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The process of facilitating learning, or the acquisition of knowledge, skills, values, beliefs, and habits.

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मिसन कलेज राजविराज सप्तरी

Mission College was established in 2011 AD (2067 BS) as a privately owned campus located in Rajbiraj, Saptari district of Nepal. It is affiliated to Tribhuvan University (TU) and National Examinations Board (NEB). Mission College has been catering…

छिन्नमस्ता एजुकेश्‍नल एकेडमि एण्ड मेडिकल कलेज राजिवराज सप्तरी

Our mission is to motivate and Educate, the students to excel as well’ informed, ethical and moral leaders both in their future professional careers as well as in the communities they live in.

पाराडाईज क्यापस राजविराज

in fact, it is a part of the function of education to help us escape, not from our own time for we are bound by that. but from the intellectual and emo. Intermediate Program: I.Ed. I.Sc. I.Com. Bachelor Program: B.Ed. BBS

लालि गुराँस उच्च मा. वि. राजविराज, सप्तरी

Lali Gurans Higher Secondary School Rajbiraj Saptari.

शिव कोचिङ्ग सेन्टर राजविराज सप्तरी

It Is A Coaching Center Where Teache’s Loksewa Candidate of Different Faculties Like_HA, CMA, ANM.

राजविराज मोडल क्‍याम्पस सप्तरी

The mission of the College of is to help to prepare outstanding educators, scholars, and researchers, and to advance the profession of education, as broadly defined, through research on the science and art of teaching and learning, the application…

जानकी उच्च माध्यमिक विद्यालय राजविराज सप्तरी

It was established in 2048 BS. It is the best English medium school. It has two beautiful buildings. There are a more facilities of Montessori for kids .there are big playground in front of building  for plying and extra activities .there are more…

श्री जनता माध्यमिक विद्यालय बसबिट्टी, सप्तरी

“अस्तो मा सदमय, तमसोमा ज्योतिर्गमय” श्री जनता माध्यमिक विद्यालय बसबिट्टी, सप्तरी रुपनी गाउपालिका वडा नं. ५ स्थापित २०१७ साल विद्यालय कोड नं. १५०१४०००१ प्रदेश नं.२ संस्दीय क्षेत्र नं. ३ प्रदेश क्षेत्र नं. ३(१)   …

सप्तरीलोकसेवा तयारी केन्द्र । राजिवराज, प.वि. स्कुलको ठिक अगाडी

विगत ५ बर्षदेखि संचालनमा रहेको सप्तरी लोकसेवा तयारी केन्द्र द्धारा विभिन्‍न समूहमा नाम निकाल्न सफल भएका र यस बर्ष पनि नायव सुब्बा, खरिदार, अहेव, अनमि, भेटनरी, जे.टि.ए. र बैंकका विभिन्न समुहहरुको तयारी कक्षा दक्ष तथा अनुभवी प्रशिक्षकहरुद्धारा…

ब्रिलियन्ट कोचिङ्ग सेन्टर, राजिवराज ५

यहाँ 5 कक्षा देखि लिएर 12 कक्षा सम्मकाे लागि Math, Science, English, Computer, Opt. Math, Social  काे साथै Bridge Course Science, Commerce, Education काे पनि तयारी गराइन्छ ।